Feeding into the Propaganda Machine by Dream Wise
In Light of this 9/11 ritual that’s about to happen to evoke the American Spirit, I thought I would reign some light on the true American Spirits. The American Gods!
You are the American God; you are the first and the end of this thing. Period.
When you look outside of yourself and get lost in what the Tell Lie Vision is feeding you, it can have a significant impact on your subconscious mind.
The real key and the real work is to become Conscious and Know Thy Self! This is what the ancients have been saying for thousands of years. And this is what will set you free from the never-ending loop that has been created by the matrix, the television.
You are a Spiritual being, you have a Spiritual mind, and it is time for you to remember that!

The first step is acknowledging that there is more to this life than what meets the eye and that YOU have the power to change your own reality.
Start by doing some research on different Spiritual topics that interest you. Read books, listen to lectures, and watch videos.
Then, start practicing some Spiritual exercises to quiet your mind and connect with your higher self.
Meditation, visualization, and energy work are all great places to start.
And finally, begin living your life in alignment with your Spiritual values and beliefs.
When you do all of these things, you will begin to remember who you really are – an infinite Spiritual being who is perfect, whole, and complete just as you are.
You will also start to see the world around you differently, with new eyes.
And, most importantly, you will begin to feel a deep sense of peace, love, and joy that comes from aligning with your true Spiritual nature.
Again, Family I want to stress consciousness is not about how much information you know, it is your ability to control your thoughts and emotions on the drop of a dime.
How conscious you are is about how aware you are of your mind.
Much love Family
Dream Wise
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