How do we Create Balance? by Dream Wise
The biggest problems in the world are often caused by a lack of balance between logic and intuition. Some of the Chaos Family might be still too logical in their feats.
We want to find that perfect mix when it comes down to deciding what's right, who we should hang out with or what we discussed, Walking the Path.
If we don't do anything about this imbalance, then there will come a time where our minds can succumb to all these new threats coming at us all at once!
Today I'm going show you 3 quick ways on your own journey towards enlightenment which can help bring some balance back in our lives.
The first thing is through ART - whether its drawing, painting, writing, singing, playing basketball, making puzzles etc. you must do something creative to make that right brain Humm!
You are here on this earth realm to express yourself!! You are a music note and you need a creative outlet to make that song move. Do something, that you enjoy, that will move your creative process and will enliven your intuition.
The next thing that helps with balance is by listening to music, but if you're going to do this then make sure you’re doing it right. Make a playlist of songs that puts your mind at ease or makes you happy.
It can be from any genre as long as it’s something you enjoy. That will start the flow of good feeling response in your being, and you will enliven your spirit because particular music moves you a certain way. Music, motivational speeches, bobby hemmitt, Dream Wise... listen to these things to move your Spirit.
The last thing that I will mention today is, drum roll please, MEDITATION. Meditation allows us to truly be ourselves, not being influenced by fears, worries or any other distraction that are out there in this world.
We must shut off everything and just let our mind be free so we can focus on what’s important. Then you'll see the true meaning of life, and everything will start to come together.
You have to do one of these three things, if not all, every day, you can pick which ever one you feel works best for you at that time but make sure you’re doing something creative every day because it allows the balance needed inside of you! This is not a time to be passive... it’s a time to take action, and lock in!
Dream Wise
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