How to Overcome any Addiction, Bad Habit and Energy by Dream Wise
Drugs was a Heavy Burden in my adventure. I was addicted to so many street level drugs that there was a point in my life where I couldn't function without them. It was a never-ending cycle of acquiring and using them, just to feel "normal". I'm so grateful to be free from that now, but it wasn't easy.
The hardest part of my journey was getting clean and staying clean. It was such a struggle to stay away from the drugs, especially when everyone around me was still using them. But I made it through, and I'm so thankful for the experience, even though it had a strangle hold on me.
Enough was Enough though, feeling like I had no hope, I went cold turkey off everything. See in the back of my mind I always knew that I was Crutching off the drugs, but I was stuck in a spiral of feeling the High all the time.
The day came when I wanted more for myself, and I literally Let Go and Let God! It was hard but this is how I overcame it.
I was physically unable to do much of anything while I was in this comatose position. But I knew that I had to find a way to enliven my being and stop feeling sorry for myself, so I started saying affirmations with conviction and power.
And you know what? It worked! My cells were getting reprogrammed, and they began to take on a new code.
Slowly but surely, I began to feel better and more empowered. And eventually, I was able to get up off the ground and start living again.
In my scared, pathetic energy believing I was going to die, I stumbled upon something about affirmations that I believe most people fail to understand!
See in my Courageous act to live and be sane again, I was at my weakest moment. I had to put all my faith into something that I couldn't see working, but I knew it was!
The affirmations were like oxygen to my cells, and they began to change and alter my being.
The drugs taught me a valuable lesson that when your faced with the brink of death, I don’t care how spiritual you claim to be, if you’re not ready you’re not ready.
Now, I'm not saying that everyone should go out and do drugs so they can understand what I'm talking about here. But what I am saying is that if you're struggling with anything in your life, whether it's addiction or something else, know that you have the power within you to change it.
With CONVICTION AND POWER, you will align your Self, Cells to conquer the Odds!
You can do it! I'm living proof of it. My Life changed for the better as I gained a beautiful family and understood my spiritual assignment down here.
You are the only one who can save yourself, and you are worth saving! So don't give up on yourself, no matter how hard things get. Remember, you are strong, you are capable, and you are amazing! Just keep moving forward, one day at a time and things will start to subtly shift within your being.
I'm grateful to be free from any addiction and to have found a way to live happily and healthily without drugs. It's possible for anyone to overcome addiction, no matter how hopeless it may seem. So never give up on yourself, and always believe in your own strength and power. The Power of your Sword!
Dream Wise
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