How to Express Yourself to Manifest your Hearts Desire! by Dream Wise
The Loudest one in the room is the Scariest one in the room.
I used to fight a lot as a kid all the way up into college. I had a bravado about myself that was trying to emanate a tough guy. Growing up without a father, I thought that’s what guys were supposed to be. The hood has a funny way of turning you into something you’re not.
I would put this front on when I went outside as if I was the baddest guy on the block and then I would go home and sit in my room with my Walkman listening to R Kelly I believe I can Fly over and over again.
In middle school I absolutely Loved when the teacher gave us free writing time, and I would sit there and write out tremendous stories and thoughts. So much so that my writing teacher put me in the school newspaper class. I was the only male in the class, and I would tell the fellas, “Y’all Niggas tripping, I’m in there for the girls”, but in actuality I was in there because I enjoyed expressing myself through writing!
I was Forcing an image an Identity that I was something I was not. It’s funny how things like that happen, it’s almost as if I Faked it till, I made it, because as my Adventure of a street pharmacist kept growing, I was living in that low vibrational state, actually believing that was me.
Fast Forward Through the sheer consistency of finally doing the work and moving out of the space of keeping up with an image that didn’t serve me, I was able to free myself from Forcing this identity that I thought people would like and came into a space of POWER that helps me grow and Flows with who I am Divinely.
Most people are drawn to the glamour of force. The weak can be attracted by those who seem stronger than them. Force often takes over temporarily until somebody more powerful comes along with a humility attitude toward life.
A lot of times when we try to be something that we’re not, it’s often because we don’t have a strong sense of self. We are looking for validation from the outside. What if we started giving that validation to ourselves?
What if we stopped looking for it from others and started looking at ourselves in the mirror and saying, “I love you, I accept you, you are enough”. If we could cultivate a relationship with ourselves where we were our own best friend, then the need for external validation would dissipate.
When we can be honest with ourselves about who we are and what our gifts and talents are, then we can start to share them with the world in an authentic way.
Why do you want to Manifest what you want to Manifest? What’s the True Heart of Heart reason for it? Is it to prove something to someone else? or is it because you REALLY want it? Power comes from a place of authenticity and truth.
When we can be Honest with ourselves, our power grows. Force is often a result of trying too hard and not being authentic. What are you going to do today that will be in alignment with your truth?
When we try to be something that we’re not, it is Force. Forcing yourself to live in an Illusionary mindset of something that you’re not will always keep you looking and searching for external happiness.
Remember your happiness should be derived from within and as long as you find peace and love within yourself, you will resonate a Vibration that will put you in alignment with your Heart’s Desires.
Dream Wise
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