The Source Connection and the Love You Craft from it 💫 by Dream Wise
Have you ever felt lost and confused about the journey? This journey to find yourself? Your purpose in life? Maybe you've been searching for something more, something deeper.
Or maybe you feel like you're just going through the motion’s day after day, not really sure what your purpose is.
If you can relate to any of this, then trust me your on a spiritual path. A journey that is unique to you and that is necessary in order to fulfill your DIVINE (DIANA) 😉 mission.
The Automatons are on automation, and they don't necessarily think of themselves as a unique divine being. they are in the space of survival and day to day stimulation by the machine. (THE MATRIX)
But you're different, and something keeps pulling and tugging at you to understand more and more about self!
This journey is not a public one, it is private and unique to each individual. Just like the god Ptah, who is the god of creation and the architect of his reality, you too are creating your own reality.
And the best place to get inspiration (IN SPIRIT) for your journey is from source. Source energy can be found by closing your eyes and connecting with your higher self.
From there, you can begin to carve out your own path. One that is full of adventure and Spiritual connection.
Every time you close your eyes, you’re in Meditation. Meditation is the key to success.
Meditation will help you connect to your highest self so that you can begin to understand your true purpose in life.
Just start off by sitting in silence for 5-10 minutes each day and focusing on your breath. As you inhale, imagine breathing in white light, and as you exhale, imagine releasing all your worries and concerns. This will help you to center yourself and connect with source energy.
Another way to connect with source energy is through meditating outside. Spend time outside in nature and allow yourself to be one with nature. This will help you Nurture your energy and cultivate Negative ions into your being.
Let the sunshine in, listen to the birds singing, feel the breeze blowing hitting your skin, and let go of everything else that is going on in your life.
This will also help you to clear your mind and connect with the natural world around you.
No matter what method you choose to connect with source energy, the most important thing is to be patient and trust the process. Your spiritual journey is unique to you, and it will unfold in perfect timing.
Just like a flower that blooms in the springtime, your journey will blossom when the time is right. So, trust that everything is happening for a reason, and have faith that you are exactly where you're supposed to be.
Much Love Family
Dream Wise
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